Prospective Clients
The Oklahoma Group (TOG) is a student organization at the University of Oklahoma that works to provide pro bono professional consulting services to not-for-profit organizations in Oklahoma. While our goal is to help organizations solve immediate problems, we provide recommendations that are not only sustainable but allow for future organic growth. Our work is tailored to our clients’ specific needs and designed to optimize the performance of the nonprofit as a whole. The duration of each project is approximately 14-16 weeks, culminating in professional, insightful, and well-researched recommendations tailored to your non-profit’s needs and visions for the future.
Nonprofit Application
Our application for Fall 2024 will open in the middle of Spring 2024.
How am I eligible?
Any non-profit organization in Oklahoma with 501(c) status is eligible to apply for a project with The Oklahoma Group. We have worked with a wide range of small and large organizations on a diverse array of planning, marketing, competitive analysis, expansion, development, and financing projects. Our goal is to solve challenges by providing tailored recommendations that meet specific needs and allow for practical implementation.
How can I apply?
If you think your nonprofit could benefit from our pro bono service, please fill out our online application form. The application should detail how you think we can provide strategic advice to your organization. Once all applications have been received and reviewed, the Vice President of Nonprofit Engagement will contact and meet applicants to learn more about their project, assess its compatibility with TOG, and narrow the scope of the project. After the interview process, we will then select our clients for the fall that we think we can best serve.
How do you choose clients?
- Active vision: TOG selects clients that seek to benefit and serve the communities in Central Oklahoma.
- Capabilities: TOG seeks projects that are aligned with our resources, capabilities, and skillsets.
- Challenging proposal: TOG looks for projects that will expand the knowledge of our consultants and clients.
- Availability: TOG requires consistent communication between the project team and client contact.
- Accessibility: TOG requires that the organization is located in Central Oklahoma and is easily accessible to the project team.
- Ability to implement: TOG’s client contact must have the ability to make critical business decisions regarding the implementation of our recommendation.
Not everyone who applies is guaranteed a consultation. We receive a large number of applicants every year and -due to time and resources- can only run a few projects at a time.
How much does it cost?
A consultation from The Oklahoma Group is free! Our aim is to tap into the fresh thinking and creative insight of university students to provide business-consulting services to non-profit organizations on a completely pro bono basis.
How long does a consultation with The Oklahoma Group last?
The consultation process takes 14-16 weeks. We take two rounds of projects: one round starting in August and finishing in December and a second round of projects starting in January running until May. The project length is fixed and designed so that the clients can benefit from an optimum and concentrated period of time from our consultants who are all students.
How much time and effort will a consultation take-up for me?
No office space or resources need to be provided for our service. We ask for our clients to send their point of contact for TOG to the University of Oklahoma to meet with their project team during our Bootcamp training; however, the project team will always come to your site to meet. When undergoing a consultation service it is essential that the client and consultant maintain regular contact so the client can answer any questions or requests that the consultants have along the way -these requests will benefit your organization in the long-run. We, therefore, ask that your organization assign one dedicated point of contact to maintain contact with your designated TOG consultants. Please only apply if your organization has the time to respond to a consultant’s occasional emails and queries over a 10-12 week period.
Check out our Completed Projects!